Pupil Premium

Statutory Information

Pupil Premium

The pupil premium is an allocation of funding provided to schools to support children who may be vulnerable to under achievement. Each year the school publishes a pupil premium statement as to the amount of funding we have received and what it has been spent on.

Chilham CEP is a small rural primary school in a rural setting. The school provides several after school clubs and a morning club which supports pupils with pupil premium whenever necessary so both are well supported by parents and pupils. The school identifies students eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant from information provided by KCC.

Termly assessment data is used to inform all staff about pupils’ progress and attainment. Baseline data is visible for all teachers and support staff. Staff are made aware of the types of learners and vulnerable groups in their class or cohort. A whole school check on pupil progress is made three times a year by all teaching and support staff. Pupils on pupil premium, SEN and AEN pupils are also identified. Through these meetings staff are able to target other needs not identifiable through data. Able learners are also identified and supported.

The school works with the community and other schools/settings to identify and support vulnerable learners in a number of ways including alerting parents to additional transition days in the summer before starting secondary school and with nursery and pre school settings for upcoming reception pupils for vulnerable pupils.

Successful interventions include: